Getting back to the Giants though, other than the Boston Celtics, I really don't know if there is another sports franchise I hate more than them. Granted, a big part of my hatred comes from the fact that for 14 years, the biggest douche bag thats ever played baseball was the star of the team. I'm talking about Barry Bonds of course, the "All-Time Home Run King Who Never Roided Up" yeah try saying and truly believing that, its impossible. The guy was a jackass to the media and to his teammates too. I'll give the guy credit for being able to hit, but his constant denial of not taking steroids really is ridiculous. There is no way that a guy who is 37 years old can hit 73 Home Runs without being on some substance, there just isn't. Mark McGwire took steroids, Sammy Sosa took steroids, and so did Barry.
Speaking of steroids, I just finished watching another edition of WWE Monday Night Raw. Why I watch wrestling I don't know, its fake, the storylines are stupid, and the dialogue is worst than whatever the dumbest movie out there is, but for some odd reason I find myself in room 234 with 4 other dudes watching it every Monday night. As my buddy Drew put it best, "It's the soap opera for males". It's entertaining and funny because it is so stupid, but hey thats all I really care about, anything that can take my mind off the huge workload of school is great. It's amazing that a month from now I'll be back in Agoura Hills for the summer. Seems like yesterday I was just movin out to the desert. I've had a great year, made some incredible friends, I will definitely be enjoying every moment from here until my last final May 13th
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